
. imploración 懇願

 decir que 接・現 pedir que 接・現mandar que 接・現ordenar que 接・現
1.Luis le dice a Juan que haga la tarea.  = Luis says Juan that he should do the work.
2.Luis le dice a Juan que diga la verdad. = Luis says Juan that he should tell the truth.
3.Luis le dice a Juan que siga las instrucciones.= Luis says Juan that he should follow the instruction.
4.Luis le dice a Juan que haga la cuenta. = Luis says Juan that he should do the counting.
5.Luis le dice a Juan que juegue al tenis. = Luis says Juan that he should play tenis.
6.Luis le dice a Juan que le llame esta noche.= Luis says Juan that he should call him tonight.
7.Luis le pide a Juan que lea un poema. = Luis asks Juan that he should read a poem.
8.Luis le pide a Juan que vaya a la fiesta. = Luis asks Juan that he should go to the party.
9.Luis le pide a Juan que se levante temprano.= Luis asks Juan that he should get up early.
10.Luis le pide a Juan que compre ese coche.= Luis asks Juan that he should buy this car.
11.Luis le pide a Juan que cocine la comida.= Luis asks Juan that he should cook the meal.
12.Luis le manda a Juan que lave las verduras. = Luis commands Juan that he should wash vegetables.
13.Luis le manda a Juan que resuelva el ejercicio.= Luis commands Juan that he should resolve the  exercise.
14.Luis le manda a Juan que escriba la carta. = Luis commands Juan that he should write the letter.
15.Luis le manda a Juan que ande en su bicicleta. = Luis commands Juan that he should go in his bicycle.
16.Luis le manda a Juan que ordene los cuadernos. = Luis commands Juan that he should order notebooks.